Rivers of the Kimberley
by Kim Epton
ISBN 0 85905 277 X, (2000 reprint of 1996 edition), Soft Cover, A4 spiral wire bound, 90pp, 260grams
$30.00 + POST
Rivers of the Kimberley is a meticulously researched work on the discovery and naming of rivers in the Kimberley region of Western Australia by Europeans.
It includes information on each of the 109 rivers in the Kimberley region - and a few since renamed, 'lost' or 'downgraded' to creek.
Because rivers (and other features) were generally named by the first explorers, Rivers of the Kimberley contains a great deal of information on those who were first to uncover the region. Apart from the historical information relating to who found and named the rivers, after whom (or what) they were named and when, Rivers of the Kimberley details the location of the head and mouth, the length, and maps required to follow the courses.
Rivers of the Kimberley is an authoritative reference presented in a no-frills package. It is essential reading for schools, tour operators, libraries, government departments, station owners and anyone with an interest in the Kimberley. It is the ONLY complete and authoritative work on the discovery and naming of the rivers of the Kimberley.