through_bush_scrubThrough Bush and Scrub

Travels in the North among the Stations

by Norman Malcolm (Canmore)

ISBN 978-0-85905-587-1, (2015, New), A4, 92pp, indexed, 275 grams.

$25.00* + POST

Journalist and returned soldier, Norman Malcolm (d1926), once well known, and whose biography is outlined, wrote of developing pastoral stations of the North. This collection describes the people, districts, travel, and stations, 1923-1926.

Midlands, Murchison, Marble Bar, Muccan, Coongan, De Grey, Strelley, Tabba Tabba, Wallareenya, Port Hedland, Moora, Pithara, Murgoo and races, Meeberry, Narryer, Byro, Manfred, Boolardy, Billabalong, Woolgorong, Yuin, Carnarvon, Brickhouse,  Boolathana, Booloogooroo, Yalobia, Cooralya, Wandagee, Manberry, Ulpuna, Ulupna, Minilya, Warroora, Cardabia, Bullara, Giralia, Winning, Wogoola, Minderoo, Onslow, Peedamulla and more.