PLEASE NOTE: Any book title starting with "The" - the second word of the title is used to list by.
Top of the River: A history of sailing at Maylands and the Maylands Yacht Club
by Chris Holyday & Terry Gaunt Snr
ISBN 978-0-85905-907-7, (New, 2021), A4, 104 pp, heavily illustrated, 330 grams, $30.00*
Available from the Maylands Yacht Club.
Touch Me Not
by Pat Studdy-Clift
ISBN 978-0-85905-654-0, (New, 2017), A4, 86 pages, well illustrated, 255 grams.
$30.00* + POST
This is an historical novel, based on fact and brimful of the adventures, trials and triumphs of one pioneering family – the Gadens. In 1923 with two small babies, aboard the lugger "Chantress", their adventurous father and his brave-hearted wife headed into the uncivilised part of Australia now known as Kakadu National Park, only to find themselves living in "bough sheds" at the mercy of tropical cyclones, buffalo bulls, fierce snakes and primeval crocodiles, to mention a few of their hazards. Add to this a daughter Madge, who was not only a gifted pianist, but also a "darling". She touched the hearts of many, world-wide, when leprosy struck both her and her father. Top this with the inferno of World War Two as Madge, the mixed-race patients and their carers on Channel Island in Darwin Harbour faced the bombing of Darwin. History leads us through a record of man's inhumanity, but also man's humanity to man.
The Trackmaster
Sig Schlam
by Bill Elkes
ISBN 0 85905 112 9, (1987 new), Soft Cover, 29pp, illustrated, 100grams
$10.00* + POST
The biography of one of the World’s greatest speedway motorcycle riders.
Tragedy Track
The Story of the Granites
by F.E. Baume
ISBN 0 85905 199 4, (1994 reprint of 1933 edition with new material), Soft Cover, 140mm x 215mm, 143pp, illustrated, 200grams
$22.00 + POST
The story of C.T. Madigan's 1932 Geological Expedition to the Tanami Desert in search of gold and the rush that followed.
The Tragic Pearl
by WC Charnley
ISBN 978-0-85905-019-7, (2010, R), 28pp, illustrated, SC, B5, 50grams
$10.00* + POST
Some people regard pearls as unlucky. However that may be, an uncanny fatality certainly seemed to attend the big 'stone' that figures in this remarkable narrative. First found off the coast of North-West Australia, it was stolen within a few hours of its discovery and almost immediately stolen again. Thenceforth it passed rapidly from hand to hand until it was lost to view, but during its travels it brought death to at least four men who had never even set eyes on it! "The story is absolutely true," writes Mr. Charnley. "The case is well known in the annals of Australian crime, and I can furnish authority for every detail, even of the ultimate sale of the pearl in London. I have thought it advisable to suppress certain of the names."
Travels among Gold and Cannibals in Western Australia
1870 – 1874
by Thomas Scott
ISBN 978-0-85905-025-8, (2010 new), A4, 42pp, 150gram
$22.00*+ POST
Intriguing material from Western Australia’s first gold rush to Peterwangy.
This idiosyncratic travelogue written for the author’s friends describes a journey from Albany, overland to Perth and eventually to Northampton. While the descriptions of travel, places and people – from convicts to governors, are of some interest it is his repeated references to gold, at Kendenup, Dandalup, and Peterwangy, as well as notes on the natives, including his near nemesis King Johny or Errinnoo of Northampton area, that create the greatest interest.
The covers feature colour sketches of Errinnoo the cannibal chief and a birds-eye view of Northampton from the manuscript.
Travels and Adventures of Ben Bridge Throughout Western Australia and Northern Territory
by Ben Bridge
ISBN 978-0-85905-540-6, (2012, 1915?), A4, 94pp, illustrated, 285 grams
$30.00* + POST
An intriguing story of one of the great and almost forgotten characters of the Australian bush.
Ben Bridge was one of Australia’s greatest horsemen at a time when nearly all Australians were familiar with the finer points of horses and their riders.
Travels in Western Australia
by May Vivienne
ISBN 0 85905 192 7, (1993 reprint of 1901 edition), Soft Cover, 212pp, illustrated, 275grams
$30.00 + POST
Travels in Western Australia is a delightful account of May Vivienne's tour through the South-West and the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia.
Written at a time when the Colony was astonishing the world with its riches, Travels continues to fascinate readers, showing a people with faith in their future and their new land.
Travels with a Lawbook
Memoirs of a Magistrate
by Ken ‘Lazarus’ Moore
ISBN 978 085 905 442 3, (2008 New), Soft cover, notch bound, A4, 384 pages, 1.1 kg
$50.00*+ POST
In this autobiography the author takes us on a roller-coaster journey from his birthplace in the Glens of Antrim to far distant places around the globe. Join him in the Royal Navy, where, like Nelson, he is sea-sick every day.
Treasure in the Tropics.
H.V. Howe.
Edited by Peter J Bridge and Anna Howe with Gail Dreezens.
ISBN 978-0-85905-980-0, (2023, New), A4, illustrated, 86 pages, - grams, $35.00*
True stories from the archives of pearler H.V. Howe, covering the NW coast and the surrounding seas. Tales of the liberation of treasure from the grasp of governments and the sea, suppressed for nearly a century.
The Trenches in the Sky
by Dan Conway
ISBN 0 85905 205 2, (1995 new), Soft Cover, 140mm x 215mm, 248pp, illustrated, 400grams
$30.00 + POST
In The Trenches in the Sky Dan Conway covers the hazards arising from nature and enemy action, and the stratagems and tactics used by both sides during the air war of World War II. He has kept rigidly to his aim to tell what it was really like flying in Bomber Command.
Dan's special concern is for the families who lost their loved ones with no word of their ultimate fate - just that horrible word "missing". He hopes that this account will give an understanding of the problems those gallant boys so resolutely faced.
W.C. Charnley
ISBN 978-0-85905-729-5, A4, 100 grams
$16.00* + POST
A murder triangle at Day Dawn in 1908 with a wanton Delilah at the point.
Triumphs and Tragedies : Oombulgurri.
An Australian Aboriginal Community
by Neville Green
ISBN 978-0-85905-092-0, (New, 2011), 228pp, 160 x 240, illust., 530g
$35.00 + POST
Oombulgurri emerged from the remnants of Forrest River Mission to become one of the first independent Indigenous communities in Australia. During its 97 years its people have participated in events that captured national headlines; the search for the Southern Cross, the rescue of the crew of a German seaplane, reports of a massacre that sparked a Royal Commission, their service as guides to an elite military force preparing for the anticipated Japanese invasion of Australia and, in recent years, the community’s decline into poverty, depression and suicide. Sixty percent of the school children of 1967 are now dead. The missionaries and most of those they served are gone and so too is the lifestyle of that not so distant past, but in these pages we discover how church and government policies and failures shaped the present and the small achievements of Aboriginal people are soon lost in yet another wave of policies and practices that are presumed to be good for ‘them’.
Troops, Tents, and Training. The history of Chidlow WWII Army Camp 4, 1942-1946.
Bob Sheppard.
ISBN 978-0-85905-935-1, (New, 2022), A5, 35 pages, illustrated, 115 grams, $15.00*
Troy Weight
The 1889 report of Sub Inspector Troy on David Forrest's
allegations of mis-treatment of natives in the north
by Peter J Bridge, Peter Conole, Gail Dreezens
ISBN 978-0-85905-632-8, (New, 2016), A4, 93pp, 280 grams
$30.00* + POST
David Forrest of Minderoo complained of mistreatment of natives by pearlers. Governor Broome and his administration acted promptly and reports from local NW police were requested and a special police expedition set out covering an immense area.
Turning Men Into Stone
A social and medical history of silicosis in Western Australia 1890-1970
by Criena Fitzgerald
ISBN 978-0-85905-635-9, (New, 2016), 170 x 240, section sewn, 252pp, illustrated, indexed, 710 grams
$50.00 + POST
1960, WA physician Dr Bob Elphick remarked to his colleagues that the mining industry was turning men into stone. This evocative image aptly described the end-stage pathophysiological changes that occurred in the lungs of the state’s goldminers after exposure to silica dust. Until 1926 in WA, when X-ray technology became readily available and financially viable, diagnosis of dust disease in miners was fraught, flawed and at best an educated medical guess.
Twentieth Century Impressions of Western Australia
P.W.H. Thiel & Co., Perth, WA. 1901
ISBN 08905 269 9, (2000 reprint of 1901 edition), Hard Cover, 305mm x 245mm (A4+), 808pp, illustrated, 410grams
$250.00 + POST (The print run is 500 copies, available only from Hesperian Press)
This magnificent book is one of the most sought after reference works on nineteenth century Western Australia. It is an extremely rare book, and up until now it has been available only in a few selected libraries in a microfilm format. Fair copies, if they can be found, sell for around $3,000.
Apart from its wealth of information, this book is lavishly illustrated with contemporary and historic photographs of people, places, buildings and industries. Of particular interest are the panoramas of the streets of Perth and Fremantle taken from high vantage points, and major industrial sites.
Twenty Three Days Adrift
by WC Charnley
[ISBN 978-0-85905-886-5], (1935, 2021), A4, 18 pages, illustrated, 105 grams. $22.00*
The loss of the Carnarvon Castle in 1907 off the WA coast is an epic of the Ocean.