PLEASE NOTE: Any book title starting with "The" - the second word of the title is used to list by.
A Foot in Both Worlds
by Sue McKenzie
ISBN 978-0-85905-691-5, (New, 2018), A4, 84pages, illustrated. 250 grams
$30.00 + POST
Sue was a taxi driver at Yirrkala in Arnhem Land. She writes passionately of the people and life in a place still little known by Australians.
A history of Coast Watch Post 16 & Radar Station 48 at North Head, Jurien Bay 1939-1945
by Bob Sheppard
ISBN 978-0-85905-778-3, (New, 2019), A5, 24 pages, illustrated, 50 grams, $12.00*
This little known once secret unit has been examined by Bob Sheppard. Produced jointly with the Dandaragan Shire. Available from the Shire.
Shire of Dandaragan
69 Bashford Street, Jurien Bay WA 6516
PO Box 676, Jurien Bay WA 6516
Phone (08) 9652 0800
Fax (08) 9652 1310
A History of Dressage in Western Australia
by Marion Hercock with Zoe Harrison.
ISBN 978-0-85905-750-9, (New, 2019), 160x240mm, French flap soft cover, 398 pages, well illustrated, indexed, 940 grams, $55.00* + POST
The progress of horse and rider training underlies the story of the development of the specialist sport of dressage in Western Australia. This history covers the years from 1829 to 2000. It includes the mounted police and the first riding schools; the hunt club, the pony clubs and the original Dressage Club of Western Australia. It looks at the horses and the riders, from the hackies and eventers to the FEI masters of dressage. Historical detail is blended with personal memories to create an informative and lively ride into the past; and for some readers, a trip down memory lane.
A Short Walk in Paradise
by Peter W. Board
ISBN 978-0-85905-748-6, (R, 2019), A5, 165 pages, illustrated, soft cover, 225 grams, $30.00* + POST
Peter Board was a British sailor, born in Devonshire, who joined the Royal Navy at 16 and served on HMS Newcastle and HMS Consort. With his mate Ron Palmer they jumped ship after the Montebello nuclear tests. Peter headed for country WA and after some adventures ended up at Dwellingup. He describes bush town life and its people and working on the bush railways of the forest area. Eventually the RN found the pair and it was back to swabbing decks. He returned to Australia in 1972 and worked in the Pilbara. Here he took up diving, metal detecting, boating, and expeditions with the WA Museum archaeologists around the islands. Retiring from Hamersley Iron in 1987 he married again and retired to the hills, surrounded by his collections and library.
Aboriginals and Criminality
Peter J. Bridge, with a Foreword by the late Kevin Moran
ISBN 978-0-85905-667-0, (New, 2017), A4, 2 parts, 92 pp, 280 grams.
$40.00* + POST
Records of crime that have generally been suppressed by the establishment propagandists. Gives a fresh light on both colonial and modern incidents.
Around the Goldfields
A study of possibilities and dreams. An overview of the goldfields during the great depression.
ISBN 978-0-85905-450-8, (2019, new), A4, indexed, 48 pages, 150 grams, $22.00* + POST
Barrowmen of the Westralian Goldfields
Peter J. Bridge
ISBN 978-0-85905-730-1, (New, 2018), A4, illustrated, 52pp, 160 grams
$25.00* + POST
In the goldrushes from the 1880s to the 1930s prospectors travelled far and wide with bush made barrows. Their fortitude and fame are one of the finest examples of the tenacity of our pioneer prospectors.
Ben O'Dowd - Hero of Kapyong
by Rory Steele
ISBN 978-0-85905-752-3, [New, 2019], 160 x 240, French flaps, section sewn, illustrated, 197 pages, 500 grams, $50.00*
In their most important engagement in the Korean War, Australian troops were cut off from other battalions and surrounded by units of China's People's Liberation Army. Earlier, as members of a United Nations force responding to the invasion of South Korea by the North, they had fought their way up the peninsula. China then intervened and turned the tide with a series of massive offensives; in late April its forces were poised to break through the UN line and descend on the South Korean capital. Defending a hillside above the Kapyong Valley four hundred men of the Third Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment, confronted a determined enemy ten times their number who came at them in wave after wave. Fighting went on for a night and the following day until the order came to the senior officer on the ground to withdraw. Major Ben O'Dowd led the four rifle companies under fire to safety without suffering a single loss. His heroism was never properly recognised. The Chinese onslaught was checked at Kapyong and the war went into stalemate.
O'Dowd, taken into state care at the age of four, left school at fourteen and fended for himself during the Depression. A miner at Kalgoorlie, he enlisted as a private in 1939 and was sent to the Middle East where he was wounded. Later in New Guinea he was decorated for bravery and commissioned in the field as an officer. From 1945 to 1950 he was stationed with occupation forces in Japan. After Korea he served with the British in the Malayan Emergency and became deputy commander at Australia's jungle training centre in Queensland. For ten years after retiring from the Army Ben O'Dowd played a major role in building up the nascent Victorian State Emergency Services into a major institution.
The Best of times
Michael Gugeri
ISBN 978-0-85905-689-2, (New 2018), A4, 193 pages, illustrated, indexed, 750 grams
$50.00* + POST
Michael’s first book, God Before Gugeri, is popular among all who know the Derby family. This new book continues the stories of Kimberley life and people with an emphasis on his family. His unconventional tales are a favourite among all who have lived in the Kimberley.
Bill Cooper's Oil Rig Shift Story.
by Bill Cooper
ISBN 978-0-85905-801-8, (New, 2020), A4, 16 pages, illustrated, $15.00*
Old trucker, Bill Cooper's description of the 1939 transport of an oil rig and associated boilers from Derby to Nerrima. Well illustrated with the trucks, rig, and gear that is still there as a historic relic of early oil exploration.
Bull Catchers & Wild Riding Ringers
Geoff Allen
ISBN 978-0-85905-737-0, (New, 2018), A4, illustrated, 147pp, 420grams
$40.00* + POST
The last of the old time ringers of the Kimberley.
Camels, Exploration and Development in the North
by Herbert M. Barker
ISBN 978-0-85905-739-4, (New, 2019), A4, soft cover, illustrated, indexed, 24pp, 75g, $16.50* + POST
A collection of reports, letters, etc. by Barker on the NW. Details of his exploration to the east of the Oakover River and proposals for development.
Cannibals, Cooke and Customs
by Peter Bridge
ISBN 978-0-85905-666-3, A4, 120 grams
$22.00* + POST
An examination of some undigested customs of our indigines.
Carry On!
Edited by Captain C. Longmore
ISBN 978-0-85905-762-2, (1939, 2019), A4, 104 pages, illustrated, 300 grams, $30.00* Originally published by the RSL.
“This is the road the AIF trod from 1914 to 1918. It was a rough road, but the road along which the younger generation will tread from 1939 to ? may be even rougher. The Old Brigade are confident, however, that the traditions they established will be embraced by the Young Brigade by the time the query mark becomes a figure. Australians could always Carry On!”
Biographies, stories and photos illustrating the traditions of the AIF.