PLEASE NOTE: Any book title starting with "The" - the second word of the title is used to list by.

All prices quoted are in Australian currency and include GST.
* Short trade discount.


H.A. ‘Matt’ Ellis and the Lasseter Rort


Edited by Peter J. Bridge 

ISBN 978-0-85906-832-2, (New, 2020), A4, illustrated, 25 pages, 110 grams, $22.00*

A short biography of ‘Matt’ Ellis, an almost legendary geologist who died some 50 years ago. A Military Medallist in WWI from NZ he became Government Geologist of the Northern Territory and later held the same position in Western Australia.

This book records his trip in 1936 to check on the claims of companies promoting the Lasseter story.

The once ‘secret’ files detailing the threats and intimidation against him by the company promotors are now public for the first time.

Matt was rough and tough, and not the person to retreat from a fight. Interesting reading.

hms_sulphur_coverH.M.S. Sulphur 1829-1832

by E.S. & C.G.S. Whitely

ISBN 978-0-85905-020-3, (New, 2010), A4, 101pp, 300grams

$30.00*+ POST

H.M.S. Sulphur contains a detailed overview of the role of the ship in the early colony, extensive correspondence of its commissioning by the Admiralty, the complete colonial correspondence relating to the ship and its crew, muster rolls of the crew, the acrimonious correspondence with the excitable Governor Stirling, the narrative of the Sulphur’s voyage around the world 1836-1842, and the activities of the ship in the 1840-1841 war with China.

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hackett_memorial_uilding_cvThe Hackett Memorial Buildings at the University of Western Australia

by John Melville-Jones

ISBN 978-0-85905-543-7, (New2012), 160x240, 79pp, col. illust., 300grams, $20.00

For the 100th year of the Uni of WA. the The Hackett Memorial Buildings at The University of Western Australia, was written by Emeritus Professor John Melville-Jones. It begins by detailing the circumstances that led to the provision of a very large sum of money from the bequest of Sir John Winthrop Hackett, an unexpectedly large amount, which allowed the Hackett Buildings and St George's College to be built in a more imposing style than would otherwise have been possible. The book then describes the architecture and decoration of these buildings, and includes some stories of events, serious and not so serious, that took place in and around them.

Hannans Revisited 

by Watty.

ISBN 978-0-85905-690-8, (R, 2017), A5, $10.00*

havens_of_refugeHavens of Refuge

by W. S. Davidson

ISBN 978-0-85905-641-0, (1978 R 2016), Soft Cover, 202 pages, Illustrated, 290 grams

$30.00* + POST

"There is at the present time a considerable redistribution of populations taking place in the world, with the consequent redistribution of disease from endemic to non-endemic areas and to susceptible populations.

Havens of Refuge is the history of the incursion of inhabitants from S.E. Asia into the north of Western Australia in pearling days, and the subsequent development of leprosy in the indigenous susceptible population. The book does not deal with clinical details, but with the history of events relative to the introduction of leprosy, its spread and the efforts to contain it, based on and largely told in the words of contemporary observers and administrators, and it illustrates the fallacies of contemporary thought, now in danger of being repeated.

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He-Rode-AloneHe Rode Alone 

by Joan Brockman.

ISBN 978-0-85905-889-6, (1987, R, 2021), 160 x 240, Illustrated, French flap soft cover, 298 pages, 510 grams, $55.00*

A book which, for human interest and historical importance, towers above anything which has or ever will be written about the North West of Western Australia. Though factual it reads more like the fictional story of an extraordinary and in some ways tragic man. 

For thirty and more years until 1912 Julius Brockman recorded in his diary, almost daily, the events consistent with adventurous exploration and settlement of a harsh environment. Others have kept similar, though perhaps not such lengthy or meticulous records, but it is the man’s unusually descriptive writing and biting wit which makes such entertaining reading. And unlike many pioneers he did not become so immersed in his battle with nature as to lose interest in the outside world. His comments on the politics of the day and the section on his overseas travels add another dimension to the overall theme of pioneer existence. 

To extract the essential facts from such a mammoth collection of data and present them in such a manner as to form an ongoing story and a finely drawn picture of the diarist required brilliant editing. Joan Brockman must be congratulated on the result – a most valuable and enjoyable book. 

Available direct from Vernon Brockman, Beachgrove, Busselton and This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

hedland_aud_langHedland, Aud Lang Syne

by E.G Clutterbuck & Betty Doohan

ISBN 0 85905 327 X, (2003 Reprint), A4, Soft Cover, 50pp illustrated, 170grams

$22.00 + POST

A visual and written record of the Moore family, one of the early pioneering families of the Pilbara region of Western Australia.

heroes_have_wingsHeroes Have Wings

by Peter Firkins

ISBN 0 85905 179 X, (1993 new), Soft Cover, 226pp, illustrated, 300grams

$30.00 + POST

Heroes Have Wings relates the stories of Royal Australian Air Force aces in the great air battles of World War II, most told for the first time.  The author is one of Australia’s best-known military historians.

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wilds_of_the_westHGB Mason in the Wilds of the West.

Peter J. Bridge & Geoff Blackburn.

ISBN 978-0-85905-715-8, A4, 50 pages, illustrated, 180 grams, $35.00*

A biography, with a genealogical study, and the bush verse of a previously enigmatic explorer, bushman, pastoralist, and keen cricketer. Author of the much acclaimed Darkest West Australia. A Treatise bearing on the Habits and Customs of the Aborigines and the Solution of ‘The Native Question.’ 1909.


Hidden Wealth and Hiding People. 

by Michael Terry.

ISBN 978-1-875778-33-1, (1931 R 2024), 240 x 160, 402 pages, illustrated, French flap cover, 1kg, $75.00*

Our third volume of Terry’s central Australian expeditions in the 1920s-30s. This details his work in the Kimberley and central Australia.

These volumes of exploration and prospecting are some of the best reads on Central Australia.

hidden_wealthHidden Wealth and Hiding People. INDEX. Peter J. Bridge and Gail Dreezens.

ISBN 978-1-875778-44-7, A5, 7 pages,   grams, $10.00*

highways_byways_cvrHighways and Byways

Ed by PJ Bridge

ISBN 978-0-85905-607-6, (2015, R 1930s), A4, 108 pages, 310 grams.

$30.00* + POST

The letters to The Western Mail in the late 1930s cover reminiscences and observations of bush life by men and women, farmers, drovers, sailors, fishermen and represent the land as it once was before the influx of aliens changed our life. Essential reading to grasp how the nation has changed and why so many are unhappy with the current trends.

hilliesgiftHillie's Gift: A memoir of Australia's first rural guide dog owner Hilda Schell.

by Jenny Byatt.

ISBN 978-0-85905-785-1, (New, 2020), A4, 158 pages, illustrated, 450 grams, $50.00* 

Biographical reminiscences collected by the editor over many years as a memorial to Hilda.


History of Mineral Discoveries [in Western Australia]

Revised by A. Gibb Maitland.

ISBN 978-1-875778-26-3, (1904 R 2024), A4, indexed, 27 pages, 130 grams, $22.00*

A valuable but little known early record.

History of the North West of Australia

by J.S. Battye

ISBN 0 85905 057 2, (1985 reprint of 1915 edition), Hard Cover, quarto, 322pp, illustrated, 1005grams

$160.00* + POST

This magnificent, large format, hard bound volume contains details of some 230 early North West settlers, their families and 100 stations.  It is the most valuable source of pre-1915 information on the North West.

The final copies of this book. Future reprints, if ever done, will be far more than this.


History of the North West of Australia, Battye & Fox. Index.

Michael Lance, Gail Dreezens, Peter J Bridge.

ISBN 978-0-85905-906-0, (2021), A5, 34 pages, 60 grams, $10.00*

west_aus_cvrHistory of West Australia

A narrative of her past together with biographies of her leading men.

by W. B. Kimberly

ISBN 978-0-85905-202-3, (1897, R2015), large A4, casebound, laminated cover, PUR glued spine, 620 pages, illustrated, 2.8 kgs.

$210* + POST

Contains a comprehensive and detailed overview of the state's history and some 236 pages of biographies and portraits of the leading men of the 1890s.

The final copies of this book. Future reprints, if ever done, will be far more than this.


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2nd Edition

The History of the Whalers
on the South Coast of New Holland
from 1800 – 1888

 by Rod Dickson

ISBN 0-85905-394-6, (2012, 2nd, corrected edition), stiff double edged cover, A4, cleat sewn, 640pp, 1.7kg

$120.00* + POST

This volume traces the history of over 700 individual ships and their voyages from American, French, British and Colonial ports to the southern shores and offshore waters of today’s Western Australia from Cape Leeuwin to the Head of the Great Australian Bight.

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hms_guardianHMS Guardian and the Island of Ice

The lost ship of the First Fleet and Lieutenant Edward Riou.1789 - 1790.

Compiled and annotated by Rod Dickson

ISBN 978-0-85905-511-6, (N, 2012), A4, 128pp, illust., 355grams

$30.00* + POST

In 1788 the first British settlement was established in New South Wales at Port Jackson, now Sydney, by a fleet of ships, Naval and chartered civilian vessels, loaded with convicts and their Military guards. When the fleet arrived at, firstly, Botany Bay and then Port Jackson, there was nothing to greet them, just sandy soil and scrub. Once the convicts and their guards were ashore it was necessary to establish a tented village, gardens and small farm holdings to till the soil and plant crops.

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home_made_adventuresHomemade Adventures. My Expeditions in the West Australian Bush and Desert. 

Stan Gratte OAM.

ISBN 978-0-85905-985-5, (New, 2023), 160 x 240, Well illustrated, indexed, french flap soft cover, 242 pages, 650 grams $55.00*

Stan made many trips into the Western Desert with his associates which have now become the basis of a great deal of anthropological study, having been instrumental in contacting the last of the bush nomads. His following of Forrest’s route and recording the relics of Carnegie and other explorers laid the groundwork for Hesperian’s Exploration Diaries projects and the spark for the 4WD travellers of later decades.

As with many books nowadays, a small run only, so do not delay in getting a copy. Author direct Stan Gratte. 292 Seventh St Geraldton. 6530. 99212845. 

hoovers_millionsHoovers Millions and how he made them

by James O’Brien

ISBN 0 85905 340 7, (2005 reprint of 1932 edition), soft cover, 516pp, 800grams

$66.00* + POST Direct sale only

Herbert Hoover, President of the United States of America, 1928-1932, worked for Bewick, Moreing and Co. on the Sons of Gwalia mine at Leonora, Western Australia, in 1897 and 1898. The self promoting claims of Hoover and his employers have influenced historians for nigh on a century.

The truth behind Hoovers rise to power was hidden in the archives far away from the American voter. James O’Brien’s assiduous worldwide search for the real Hoover resulted in this book. It exposes his unprincipled path to power and the destructive effects of poorly regulated corporations and unscrupulous adventurers. Suppressed in 1932 and now very rare, this book is a brilliant examination of Hoover and his fellow manipulators. It is all the more important now, when their ilk have the world’s financial system in bondage, again. The lawful results will not be long forthcoming.

horse_trams_of_the_old_westHorse Trams of the old West

Peter J. Bridge

ISBN 978-0-85905-733-2, (New, 2018), A4, illustrated, 26pp, 90 grams

$20.00* + POST

Horse trams were a feature of the old north coastal towns, taking passengers and cargo from the jetties to the townships.

horse_horse_horsesHorses Horses Horses 

edited by Flora Stuart Lee

ISBN 0 85905 125 0, (1989 new), Soft Cover, 79pp, illustrated, 130grams

$22.00 + POST

A celebration of the part played by horses in the development of Australian life in the days before tractors, cars and trucks.

how_to_wheatHow to Cook Wheat

by Mary Farrelly

ISBN 0 85905  385 7, (2006 reprint), soft cover , A4 , spiral bound, 42pp, 150 grams

$22.00* + POST

A depression cookbook with many great old ads. 

A series of recipes using whole wheat and including the original advertisements.


The Habits and Customs of the Aborigines of Western Australia

by Salvado, Garrido, Camfield, Armstrong.

ISBN 978-0-85905-799-8, (1873 R 2020), A4, 30 pages, 110 grams, $20.00* 

Forgotten and Interesting material on the SW Aboriginals of WA.     

the_hunting_ninaluckThe Hunting of Ninaluk

by WC Charnley

[ISBN 978-0-85905-885-8], (1935, 2021), A4, 19 pages, illustrated, 120 grams. $22.00*

The escape and recapture of the NT murderer Ninaluk in 1934. 

Hyland-ShadowThe Hyland Circus.

by Peter J. Bridge.

ISBN 978-0-85905-900-8, (New, 2021), A4, 52 pages, heavily illustrated,  175 grams, $30.00*

Hyland's Circus was renowned across Australia. Horseman John Roberts married a daughter of Ah Pan and an Irish girl from Capetown, N Queensland.

The many children were trained as horseriders and circus performers. Some became renowned internationally.

Arriving in WA at the turn of the century they performed state-wide. An attraction was that many of the performers were blind from an inherited optical neuropathy passed on maternally.

Settling in Broome, Roberts disappeared on a horse trading trip up the Fitzroy River. Several years later his body was found with a bullet hole in the head.

The reason for his death was a mystery, known to very few, all now dead. All the police files have been destroyed.

Now for the first time in over a century the secret of his death is revealed.