where_on_the_coastWhere on the Coast is That?

 by Ian Murray with Marion Hercock

ISBN 978-0-85905-452-2, (2008 new), Soft Cover, 350 pp, 910 grams

$50.00* + POST

Contains the names, location, origin, namer, and description of **** coastal place names of Western Australia. "Owing to the geographical location of Western Australia at the eastern edge of the Indian Ocean, its coastal features have more than the expected Aboriginal and English place names. This is because the first European names were bestowed by Dutch navigators in the 1600s, then by English and French navigators before settlement by the English in the 1820s. The place names applied speak volumes about the motives of navigators in selecting names.

Where on the Coast is that? is a compendium of named geographical features on and seaward of the coastline of Western Australia. It includes all place names, including obsolete ones. Much of this kind of information is of course already available – if you have the time to search for it and know where to look. This book, however, offers more. It explains who named the feature, when, and discusses the basis of the name.

With his well known passion for names and places in Western Australia, Ian Murray has extracted names from maps, books, Government files and other sources, and then collated them. This material has been organized alphabetically, making the finding of information convenient and rapid.

This reference book should attract a wide readership amongst those who live on the coast, visit the coast for recreation, take to the water on boats, yachts and ships, as well as historians, geographers, naturalists, and quizmasters.

Readers of this book will undoubtedly improve their knowledge and understanding of Western Australian history and geography." Ian Abbott Senior Principal Research Scientist Science Division Department of Environment and Conservation.