william_rudall_cvrWilliam F. Rudall. Surveyor and Explorer

by Peter Bridge, Phil Bianchi, Alan Zweck, Gail Dreezens.

ISBN 978-0-85905-672-4, (New, 2019), A4, 176 pages, illustrated, maps, indexed, 490 grams

$45.00* + POST

The biography and expeditions of Rudall and the details of the death of Aubrey Newman.

This long awaited biography contains much previously unknown information from Rudall’s family papers, AZ being a distant relative. His surveys and explorations are treated in detail and are of especial interest due to his being the 2IC to Surveyor Newman who died on their expedition. Rudall named Mt Newman. His work in the desert searching for the lost Calvert explorers brought his name to the public. Unfortunately funding was not forthcoming from the expected Government and corporate sources and so both a two year delay and a shorter print run is the result.