

If the book is on the website and booklist it is in print and in stock.

PLEASE NOTE: Any book title starting with "The" - the second word of the title is used to list by.

   All prices quoted are in Australian currency and include GST. * Short trade discount.

   If you are unsure of a title use the search facility on the left hand side of this page. 

This Home Page list is the new releases. 

See the Main Booklist for full details.

We have rarely changed the prices upwards on our books. Plenty have been discounted.

However, with a combination of declining sales, declining stocks, and greatly increased production costs some changes are necessary.

Reprinting of many core titles has generally not been viable. But when we do this the runs are much smaller.

So costs per copy are higher. So usually these will have reduced trade discounts, marked with a * on the listed price.

We are on the tail end of the following titles, Black and white, Yammaji, Youanme.

The prices of the remaining stock are now raised to fit in with the new pricing if/when we reprint. All are now rrp $40.00*

Most of our titles will not be reprinted when they become out of print. Then the rare book sellers will have a field day.