
from the

Memorandum of Association

of the

Alexander James Bridge Cultural and Educational Foundation Ltd

1     The name of the company  is "Alexander James Bridge Cultural and Educational Foundation Ltd" (hereinafter called "the Foundation").

2.     The objects for which the Foundation is established are:

    1. The publication, promotion and distribution of Australian literature and culture with an emphasis on historical works and non fiction which show the character of the Australian people and their country.
    2. To encourage the study and writing of Australian culture and history.
    3. To promote the study of traditional Aboriginal culture and an understanding of the problems of modern Aboriginal people.
    4. To publish on aspects of the culture of Asia especially insofar as this will lead to an understanding of those cultures in Australia.
    5. To publish suitable works of cultural and educational value deemed by the executive to be within the interests of the Foundation.
    6. To provide scholarships and/or prizes to Australian Universities for students in fields that are deemed by the executive to coincide with the interests of the Foundation.
    7. To accept any gifts demises or bequests of real or personal property or any income therefrom or interest therein whether subject to any special trust or not for any one or more of the objects of the Foundation but subject always to the proviso on paragraph (1) of this Clause 2(k).
    8. To take such steps by personal or written appeals public meetings advertisements or otherwise as may from time to time be deemed expedient for the purposes of publicising and promoting the activities of the Foundation.