PLEASE NOTE: Any book title starting with "The" - the second word of the title is used to list by.
The Queensland Aborigines
by W.E. Roth
ISBN 0 85905 045 9, 1984 reprint of 1897-1910 edition with new material), Hard Cover and Soft Cover, 155mm x 245mm,
Three Volumes, 873pp, illustrated, 2.8kg
$200.00* + POST
Roth has brought together some of the most significant ethnographic material ever published on the Australian Aboriginals. Over 1,500 photographs, line drawings and maps in three magnificent volumes.
This is essential for all interested in Aboriginal culture.
The R.M. Williams Hat and other stories
By Joy Smith
ISBN 978-0-85905-576-5, (1980, R 2015), A5, 24pages, 50 grams
$10.00* + POST
Some short stories about the characters of old Wiluna.
Ramblings of a Ratbag
by Colin Doig
ISBN 978-0-85905-705-0, (New 2018), A4, 142 pages, 410 grams
$40.00* + POST
The autobiography of the author of History of the 2nd Independent Company & 2/2 Commando Squadron (available from Hesperian Press). Initially privately circulated, this autobiog is a great story of unconventional life and is of course politically incorrect, as any book worth reading must be. From childhood through the Great Depression, to a boxing troupe, con merchants, farming, the army and the only units undefeated by the Jap hurricane.
Ramillies II Convict Transport Ship 1854.
ISBN 978-0-85905-916-9, (New, 2022), A4, 195 pages, 550 grams $50.00*
The second of two vols on this important contribution to convict studies and genealogy in WA. Biographical details of all the convicts.
Tales of Western Australia's Convicts. Volume 1. The story of 277 convicts who arrived at the Swan Colony in 1854.
Researched and compiled by Glennis Sewell.
ISBN 978-0-86905-914-5, (New, 2021), A4, 228 pages, 650 grams, $50.00*
Since giving a talk to the Convict Group of the WA Genealogical Society in October, 2017 I had been expecting a collection of scattered convict biographies to publish in a proposed book. Irma Walter had produced her Stout Hearted but there was little indication that the good intentions of members were going to result in anything solid.
However when Glennis Sewell’s manuscript arrived in October 2021 I was both very surprised and greatly impressed.
So opening Glennis’ magnificent contribution was a hearkening back to Rica Erickson and the early days of the great projects that resulted in the Dictionary of West Australians.
Now Glennis, working alone, and far from Perth, has produced this great offering of ancestor worship.
Such dedication and competence is now rarely seen, and certainly not from our degraded academic institutions or from those leech swamps involuntarily funded by the taxpayers.
This shows what can be done with dedication and a belief in ones capabilities when distractions and negativity are cast aside.
The 10,000 plus convicts who were sent to Western Australia included my great grandfather on the Corona, and his father in law who had arrived on the Amity in 1826. William Thacker was the only person on that little ship who stayed on, and so becomes the first British settler of Western Australia.
It amuses me that there are so many descendants of the 10,000. Many seem to have had some success in marrying female migrants and free settlers. This says something about many of the latter males.
I see that England had two classes: Those that had been caught, and those that had not. Any examination of society will show that among the latter were many of the greatest criminals of their time, who occupied positions of great power. Similarly today, some of the wealthiest and politically powerful deserve swift application of the hemp rope.
The law goes hard on man or woman, Who steals the goose from off the common. But lets the greater sinner loose, Who steals the common from the goose.
While we are now inundated with stories of the hard lives of aboriginal citizens, little consideration has been given to the lives of the convicts, dragooned from a thriving European society, and left in a strange land without the support of family or society.
Barrington’s refrain, ‘True patriots they, let it be understood. They left their country for their countries good’ may have been said ruefully, but seeing how these true born Englishmen prospered it can be truthfully said that they were England’s loss.
Descendants of the convicts, who are proud to claim their ancestry, have risen to the highest honours, and of wealth and political power.
The Rebel of Glenmalure
A History of Michael Dwyer
by George Cargeeg
ISBN 0 85905 126 9, (1988 new), Soft Cover, 118pp, illustrated, 350grams
SC $22.00 + POST
This is the story of Michael Dwyer, patriot; his life in Ireland and Australia; and his trial and exile.
Charged with Rebellion, he was sent to Norfolk Island until his release to his farm in New South Wales where he died in 1825.
Recollections From The Coast – Remember old North Beach, Trigg, Watermans Bay and Marmion.
Chris Holyday.
ISBN 978-0-85905-956-5, (New, 2022), A4, 148 pages, heavily illustrated, 620 grams, $40.00* OUT OF PRINT
Chris Holyday has completed a follow up book to Between Beach and Bush. Contains all new content and never seen before photos and stories supplied by pioneer families of the north coast. The Hamersleys, the Watermans, the Mettams, the Newlands, the Riley family and others have opened up their family albums to tell their stories.
The many changes we have seen, in over 300 priceless photos over 23 chapters and 140 pages, are in this new book, along with early houses and shops histories, fishing shacks history and early Scarborough/Trigg surfing history from the 1950s.
$11.90 Perth area. $13.25 Australia wide
Red Dust in the Blood
by Antony Spring
ISBN 978-0-85905-706-6, (New 2018), A4, 291 pages, illustrated, colour, 800 grams
$60.00* + POST
Available direct from the author A.L. Spring, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The story of the Spring family of Metters fame and the history of Roy Hill Station. Covers all the people, incidents and development up to the sale of the station to the Kennedys in 1972. An important record of the Pilbara.
Red Fred
by Fred Newman and Les Newman
ISBN 978-0-85905-774-5, (New, 2019), A4, 166 pages, illustrated, 460 grams, $45.00*
This biography of Fred whose earlier book, The Golden Era of Animal Health, we published in 2014, covers an interesting life close to the land, and covers WA from South to North. The title alludes to his early political interests.
This book is not just about Fred, it is an attempt to preserve the identity and character of the bush, principally the Wheat Belt before the changes wipe out the past. The farms are increasing in size each year and the characters that one used to find are no longer there. You may find them, as Les did, in the station country or the mining camps, but the shutting down of stations to preserve the ecosystem and the proliferation of fly in fly out work systems are diminishing that source. Future writers may have to look in the cities, and the unique flavour of the bush will have gone for good.
Read this to remind you of that vanishing scene and to get a few chuckles as you read.
Reminiscences of by-gone Menzies by the Old Fossicker & On the Northern Fields
by Henry Harris
ISBN 978 0 85905 455 3, (1907‑8, 1935‑6, R2009), Soft Cover, A4, 66pp, illustrated, 210grams
$25.00* + Post
The early history of Menzies and other centres of the North Coolgardie Goldfield.
Return to Majaddin
A Kimberley Homecoming
Eddie Bear & Robert Hoskin
ISBN 978-0-85905-674-8, (New, 2017), 181 pages, A4, Illustrated, 500 grams
$40.00* + POST
Ngarinyin Elder and community leader, Eddie Bear shares his family story with Dr Robert Hoskin, researcher and retired minister of the Uniting Church. The story begins with life in the remote land of Majaddin in the West Kimberley and continues through colonialist incursions as Eddie's family took refuge at the Munja Aboriginal feeding station on the Kimberley Coast. Following Munja's demise, the family joined with other Ngarinyin families working on pastoral stations (Kimberley Downs and Napier). Eddie and his siblings grew up on these stations and would later seek work in this developing industry.
Richard ‘Diesel Dick’ Hanson.
by Peter J. Bridge
ISBN 978-0-85905-970-1, (New, 2033), A4, illustrated, 13 pages, 85 grams, $22.00*
Dick was a NW truckie from an old Derby family. He became a legend of the North after the war, being ‘on the manganese’ trucks to Port Hedland. His goodwill and cheeriness made him popular among all those on the road in those hard times.
Rivers of the Kimberley
by Kim Epton
ISBN 0 85905 277 X, (2000 reprint of 1996 edition), Soft Cover, A4 spiral wire bound, 90pp, 260grams
$30.00 + POST
Rivers of the Kimberley is a meticulously researched work on the discovery and naming of rivers in the Kimberley region of Western Australia by Europeans.
It includes information on each of the 109 rivers in the Kimberley region - and a few since renamed, 'lost' or 'downgraded' to creek.
The Road to Bulong
"Close up - little bit long way"
A History of the Jones Family of Hampton Plains
by P. Rajkowski and E. Tuettemann
Only available direct from the Jones family at Hampton Hill.
ISBN 0 85905 420 9, (2007 New), 380pp, illustrated, Soft Cover 1.3kg Hard Cover, dj
The story of the Jones family of Hampton Hill Station, from the colonial pearling days of Shark Bay and the Gascoyne, with the Butcher family, to goldfields pastoralism, transport and mining.
Contact: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Royal Commission … An Alleged Prevalence of Gold Stealing, 1906-7
ISBN 978-0-85905-560-4, (1907, R2013), A4, 236pp, 655g
$60.00* + POST
This ground-shaking report of a century ago changed goldfields life forever. While referred to multiple times in the daily rags there are no copies in the government library system, including the Battye. It may be that, like the Belgian governments investigation of Herbert Hoover’s crooked rorts, all copies were purchased and destroyed. Luckily a single copy surfaced from which this copy is produced in a small run. 5707 questions asked but few real answers were given. Many leading GF men decided it was wise to have a holiday for the duration of the investigation. This is the precursor to the book on gold stealing due out shortly
Ruby Yen
ISBN 978-0-85905-659-5, (New, 2017), A5, 16pp, llust, 40 grams
$10.00* + POST
The controversial murder of a Chinese girl in Perth in 1925. Another of our series on the joys of multiculturalism.
Rugged Outback Poetry.
Ted Opitz
ISBN 978-0-85905-963-3, (1983 R 2023), A5, 20 pages, 48 grams, $15.00*
Ted Opitz was a NT treasure in his later years (d.1989) and was probably the last practitioner of bush balladry in the far north. Both he and his verse are fondly remembered by the old hands.
Russian Jack
by Peter J. Bridge
ISBN 0 85905 283 4, (2002 new), Soft Cover, 143 pages, illustrated, 200grams
$22.00 + POST
Out of the great Kimberley goldrush of 1886 came stories of hard men in a hostile land. Some grew into legends, entering folklore, larger than life in their own lifetimes but now almost completely forgotten. Men like those of the Ragged Thirteen, Paddy the Flat, Tom Hood, Frank Hann, Billy O'Donnell, William Carr-Boyd and Russian Jack. Women also, Mother Dead Finish and the Mountain Maid. Of all these none has seen the legend eclipse the man as the story of Russian Jack. A legend in his own lifetime, the strongest man on the goldfields, Wheelbarrow Jack.
The Real Stolen Generations. Lost in the bush and stolen by blacks.
by Peter J. Bridge.
ISBN 978-0-85905-665-6, (New, 2017) A5, 22pp, 40grams, $10.
Colonial children were commonly abducted by blacks, most disappeared forever, killed and eaten, but some may have been tribalised. This preliminary list is of white children, mainly from the Eastern States who met such a fate.
The Rock
by Ian Duggan.
ISBN 978-0-85905-951-0, (New, 2022), A4, illustrated, 43 pages, 150 grams, $30.00*
This book is dedicated to the men who served and constructed a base in Western Australia's Kimberley. They being members of the American Army Airways Communication System, the US Coast Guard and the RAAF Radar and Communications networks involved in manning Loran bases. These men, who behind the front lines in World War two carried out important strategic functions to help those in the front line achieve their destinations, return safely and to alert Australian forces of any enemy attack. They diligently manned isolated, inhospitable bases and in most cases never knowing the benefit they provided to front line forces during World War Two.
The base referred to in this book, was at Champagny Island, known colloquially by the Americans that manned it as The Rock. It was just that: A bare rock, no trees, no water and totally isolated, but the Loran base was such an important part of what was known as the Banda Sea Chain, which provided extremely accurate navigation aids to Allied shipping and aircraft in the latter stages of World War Two.
The importance of maintaining secrecy at these bases, to some extent, prevented broad community recognition of their duties. This book will make readers aware of the functions carried out by American and Australian servicemen at the Loran stations particularly those that served at The Rock.
However, The Rock did have some redemption, the Loran building was later transported to Fitzroy Crossing where it is now a church and as far as culture is concerned, it provided the impetus for one of the world's greatest modernist sculptors and artist, Dimitri Hadzi obtaining his early inspiration whilst serving as a technician with the United States Army Airways Communication System at The Rock.
The Round House 1831-1856.
The early years of Western Australia’s oldest building – and how it survived.
Steve Errington.
ISBN 978-0-85905-945-9, (New, 2022), 165 x 240, 144 pages, French flaps cover, well illustrated colour, indexed, 380 grams, $35.00.
Fremantle Gaol, better known as the Round House, was built in 1830, was nearly demolished in 1922 but one hundred years later survives as an iconic Fremantle building and a popular tourist attraction.
Dr Steve Errington, one of its volunteer guides and himself a past president of the Royal WA Historical Society, has now completed a three-year investigation of its construction and a detailed study of the 2400+ individual inmates responsible for 3600+ incarcerations. The former relied on two key documents held by the State Records Office, the second revealed an unexpected range of inmates, some of whom were not actually prisoners.
It confirmed a world of universal hard labour, severe punishments for small offences but few deaths in custody.
Although not built with WA’s original inhabitants in mind, before it was abolished as a gaol in 1856 it housed 400+ Aboriginals, generally for short terms. These numbers would have been higher but for the erection in 1848 of a ‘Native Prison’ in St Georges Terrace, Perth – one of many surprising revelations of the study.
The final chapter – the longest – combines an investigation of the post-1856 uses of the building with a report of the struggle for its survival and recognition of key players in the battle.
The book is generously illustrated in colour and is thoroughly referenced and indexed.