PLEASE NOTE: Any book title starting with "The" - the second word of the title is used to list by.
A Bushwalking Brew
by John Foulsham
ISBN 978-0-85905-681-6, (2017, New), A4, illustrated with maps and photos, 251pp, 670 grams
$50.00* + POST
John Foulsham overlanded to Perth from England in 1969 and became a bushwalker. Long walks in Tasmania, the Stirling Ranges, Kokoda, and his epic journey with Murray Rankin on the Canning Stock Route in 1973 are described and illustrated. Great reading on the trials and joys of Australian bushwalking.
Published 21 November 2017.
A Camelman on the Canning
The diary of Claude Heppingstone.
Edited by Phil Bianchi, Peter Bridge, Sheryl Milentis, Gail Dreezens, Tony Vincent.
ISBN 978-0-85905-537-6, (2012), A4, 54pp, 185 grams
$22.00* + POST
Claude was a cameleer on the 1908-1910 well construction party of the Canning Stock Route. This is his daily diary. Bush diaries are rare and the detail of this shows the long daily grind of hard bush work and what was done in this great enterprise.
A Century of Service. A history of the Returned & Services League of WA.
by Chris Holyday
ISBN 978-0-85905-829-2, (New, 2020), A4, heavily illustrated, 140 pages, 600 grams, $40.00*
The author worked directly within the RSLWA for eighteen months to record their over 100 years of service, support and hospitality to returned soldiers, sailors, nurses and other service personnel in Western Australia from 1915 to 2020 in all wars. It documents, using the RSLWA’s own archives, how the returned soldiers began to organise themselves into soldiers’ associations from late 1915. This was attributed to returning 11th and 16th Battalion ex-soldiers. The book, with a Foreword by Governor Beazley, AC, documents the dramatic changes that overtook the WA government, and WA society, following that first 25th April 1915 action at Gallipoli. It identifies those individuals that first came together in support of the returning maimed and injured soldiers. It covers the wide extent of civilian and RSLWA support activities for returning soldiers – and for those still serving at the front. Later chapters explore the RSLWA’s increasing relevance in an ever-turbulent and troubled world. The RSLWA has a vital role to play in reminding the nation of its everlasting responsibility, to those who are serving and have served; to its fallen and to the partners and children of the fallen. Its duty will never end for as long as our men and women continue to serve the cause of freedom – and pay its price of eternal vigilance. A copy of the book will be included in a time capsule to be placed in the floor of the new 2020 ANZAC House (completed in September 2020) – the time capsule to be opened in another 100 years’ time.
A Clouded Vision
The Life of Andrew Barr: pioneer - inventor
1855 - 1939.
by Hugh Clift
ISBN 085905 320 2, (2003 new), 130 pp, A4 wire bound, illustrated, 375grams
$30.00* + POST
Andrew Barr was born in Scotland, the eldest of 14 children. The family immigrated to South Australia in 1874, where Andrew married Rosetta Gilbert in 1877.
He became a prosperous farmer and invented a "jumping scarifier" which took many prizes at agricultural shows and was widely used in South Australia. He also invented a stump jump cultivator in 1880, which won first prize in a competition in 1880. His greatest invention was the world's first disc plough, which he first used in 1885. He improved the prototype disc plough to the point where he was able to sign a contract for its manufacture in 1892, but before any disc ploughs could be built, the firm became bankrupt in Australia's worst economic depression, which had already forced Andrew off his farm. He became an agricultural labourer and in 1897 decided to try his luck in Western Australia.
A Dead Mans Dream
Lasseter’s Reef Found
by Angie Testa and Bill Decarli
ISBN 0 85905 356 3, (2005 new), soft cover, 104 pp, illustrated, 145 grams
$22.00 + POST
Ever since Harold Lasseter died in 1931 in his pursuit of his infamous gold-bearing quartz reef, the location of this reef has remained a tantalising mystery. Over the years expeditions have combed the West of Alice Springs, finding no trace of it. While some claim it to be one of the great confidence tricks of the day, others steadfastly believe the legend. In 1991 Vietnam veteran Bill Decarli decided to reverse Lasseter’s map and look on the Eastern side of Alice Springs. He found the landmarks matching those described in Lasseter’s diary and a gold bearing quartz reef many kilometers long. This is his story.
A Foot in Both Worlds
by Sue McKenzie
ISBN 978-0-85905-691-5, (New, 2018), A4, 84pages, illustrated. 250 grams
$30.00 + POST
Sue was a taxi driver at Yirrkala in Arnhem Land. She writes passionately of the people and life in a place still little known by Australians.
A Gold Seeker’s Odyssey
by L R Menzies
ISBN 0 85905 290 7, (2004 reprint of 1937 edition with new material), soft cover, 171pp, 235 grams
$28.00 + POST
Leslie Menzies was one of the hopeful band of prospectors who arrived in Western Australia during the 1890s goldrush.
A successful miner in the USA & NZ his knowledge gave him an early advantage at Parkers Range & the Murchison. The Menzies mines were discovered by him in 1894.
In the ups & downs of mining Menzies found that down was almost out, Greener fields in Madagascar, Africa, Japan and later the Kimberley beckoned. He eventually retired to California where he wrote these reminiscences shortly before his death in 1939.
A Good Prospect - The life and works of F.W. Ophel "Prospect Good."
Compiled and edited by Chris Holyday.
ISBN 978-0-85905-513-0, (New, 2012), A4, illustrated, 72pp, 225grams
$25.00* + POST
Frederick Ophel (1871- 1911) was considered the best and brightest of the Goldfields poets a century ago. However his work has never been published as a collection. A.G. Stephens of the Bulletin collected his works and letters but twice lost the papers and eventually economics signed the death knell.
A history of Coast Watch Post 16 & Radar Station 48 at North Head, Jurien Bay 1939-1945
by Bob Sheppard
ISBN 978-0-85905-778-3, (New, 2019), A5, 24 pages, illustrated, 50 grams, $12.00*
This little known once secret unit has been examined by Bob Sheppard. Produced jointly with the Dandaragan Shire. Available from the Shire.
Shire of Dandaragan
69 Bashford Street, Jurien Bay WA 6516
PO Box 676, Jurien Bay WA 6516
Phone (08) 9652 0800
Fax (08) 9652 1310
A History of Dressage in Western Australia
by Marion Hercock with Zoe Harrison.
ISBN 978-0-85905-750-9, (New, 2019), 160x240mm, French flap soft cover, 398 pages, well illustrated, indexed, 940 grams, $55.00* + POST
The progress of horse and rider training underlies the story of the development of the specialist sport of dressage in Western Australia. This history covers the years from 1829 to 2000. It includes the mounted police and the first riding schools; the hunt club, the pony clubs and the original Dressage Club of Western Australia. It looks at the horses and the riders, from the hackies and eventers to the FEI masters of dressage. Historical detail is blended with personal memories to create an informative and lively ride into the past; and for some readers, a trip down memory lane.
A History of the 2nd Independent Company
2/2 Commando Squadron
compiled by Col Doig
ISBN 0 85905 149 8, (1986, reprinted 2009), illustrated, A4, Soft Cover, 294 pages, 785 grams
$50.00* + POST
This is the story of the Double Red Diamonds who fought the Japanese in Timor, inflicting casualties far in excess of their number, and showing the usefulness of guerrilla forces against a numerically superior enemy.
A letter to Sue
On the subject of Historical Pollution. 'Greasy Bill' Beakem and William Clancy Little of Cape York Peninsula.
by Jim McJannett
ISBN 978-0-85905-631-1, (2016, New), A5, illustrated, 30pp, 65 grams
$8.00* + POST
Jim McJannett is a committed historian of Cape York Peninsula. He has written many short articles under a pen name. This booklet resolves a problem that has confused many less dedicated researchers for the last century. Small, but important, for those interested in one of the most vibrant gold rushes of the 19th century
A New Zealand Gold Seeker's Adventure in Australia
By J.W. Swift
ISBN 978-0-85905-429-4, (N, 2015), A5, 53 pages, 90 grams
$15.00* + POST
Off to the Kimberley rush and its vicissitudes, Swift details his adventures in making a living in the bush, disasters of going blind and blown up in a mining accident, and generally a hard life. We normally only hear of successful men but most just struggle through.
A Pearlers Life. The Letters of Hedley Vicars Howe, on Broome and Pearling Days.
(With Mary Durack, Hugh Richardson, Sr. Albertus Bain.) Edited by Peter J. Bridge.
ISBN 978-0-85905-971-8, (2023, New), A4, Illustrated, 126 pages, 370 grams, $40.00*
These letters include marvellous descriptions of the Broome characters of old and of the vicissitudes of pearling. Much was intended for a book on these characters but it appears that either the work was never completed or did not find the right publisher and the manuscript is not now extant. The exchanges between Mary Durack and Howe are revealing of the old Broome and especially of the local population. This is very different from the upmarket tourist oriented publications that infest the market.
A Premier Position. Lady Margaret Elvire Forrest 1844-1929.
Chris Holyday.
ISBN 978-1-875778-09-6, A4, 41 pages, illustrated, indexed, 195 grams, $35.00*
As Margaret Elvire Hamersley, she was raised in the backblocks of Australian colonial life; as Lady Forrest, she died the widow of Australia's first Peer of the Realm. The story of her life may help to integrate Westralian and National history, as well as draw attention to the conspicuous lack of female portraits in Australian historiography. – Frank Crowley.
Lady Margaret Forrest occupied a unique position as the extremely capable wife of arguably one of the most powerful Premiers in Western Australia’s history and as one of very few individuals from whom John Forrest took counsel – indeed, she held a premier position.
A Prospector's Life
by John Meiklejohn
ISBN 978-0-85905-642-7, (New, 2016), A4, indexed, 52 pages, 165 grams
$22.00* + POST
The newly discovered memoirs of this well-known prospector fill out his articles that were published as Gold Getting Days in 2005. A serendipitous internet search by his grand-daughter discovered Hesperian and so the book came about. A lively read of an adventurous life before WWI. New Zealand, Australia, Africa, Boer War, Madagascar, Klondyke, and London.
A Short Walk in Paradise
by Peter W. Board
ISBN 978-0-85905-748-6, (R, 2019), A5, 165 pages, illustrated, soft cover, 225 grams, $30.00* + POST
Peter Board was a British sailor, born in Devonshire, who joined the Royal Navy at 16 and served on HMS Newcastle and HMS Consort. With his mate Ron Palmer they jumped ship after the Montebello nuclear tests. Peter headed for country WA and after some adventures ended up at Dwellingup. He describes bush town life and its people and working on the bush railways of the forest area. Eventually the RN found the pair and it was back to swabbing decks. He returned to Australia in 1972 and worked in the Pilbara. Here he took up diving, metal detecting, boating, and expeditions with the WA Museum archaeologists around the islands. Retiring from Hamersley Iron in 1987 he married again and retired to the hills, surrounded by his collections and library.
A Source of Pride. A History of No 22 (City of Sydney) Squadron 1936-1946.
Richard Hutchinson.
ISBN 978-0-85905-988-6, (New,2023), A4, heavily illustrated - some in colour, 460 pages, 1.3kg, $60.50.
Published jointly with the Squadron Association.
Available only from This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Secretary No 22 Squadron Association, 56 Caravan Head Road, Oyster Bay, NSW, 2225.
Bank direct: No 22 (City of Sydney) Squadron Association. CBA Jannali BSB 062186 A/c 10106605.
The book is $45 to members/squadron plus postage, Non members $55.00 plus postage.
The postage Australia wide will be $14.50.
This is an important book and exceptionally cheap. If bookshops wish to buy than they can place their margin on top of the $55 plus postage.
“FSGT Richard Hutchison (Ret’d) has been working on this history of No 22 (City of Sydney) Squadron since the early 1980s. He interviewed a number of wartime members of the squadron. He assembled a number of artefacts in the course of interviewing which are in the possession of the No 22 (City of Sydney) Squadron Association. Unfortunately “Dementia” has overtaken Richard before he could complete the history and therefore the Association has taken on the task of completing the history on his behalf in 2017. It has been managed by the Association committee. Peter Hayes, Alan Lyons and Alan Campbell had the pleasure, responsibility and opportunity of editing and finishing the manuscript. A number of photographs taken by members of the Squadron during WWII have been added – we apologise for the poor quality in some cases.
FLGOFF Allan Miller, a WWII navigator who served with 22 Squadron, has provided us with his recollections from May 1945 until the disbandment of the squadron in August 1946. He has given his permission to use his recollections.
This is not an official history but contains a lot of anecdotal observations that complement the official record.”
A Story of Swan Location 16
by W.J. de Burgh
ISBN 978-0-85905-459-1, (2008), Soft Cover, A4, 50 pp, illustrated, 170 grams
$22.00* + POST
The history of the colonial land locations of Swan 16 (Woodbridge and Bushmead), Swan M1 (Caversham), 16A, and Helena 7 (Waterhall), and Cowalla; and the involvement of the deBurgh, Brockman, Harper, Morrison, Welliton, Phillips, and Whitfield families.
A Story of the Cowalla Coast Run
1873 - 1964
by W. J. deBurgh
ISBN 0 85905 380 6, (2007 New), soft cover, 46pp, illustrated, 80 grams
$12.00 + POST
Order direct from Hesperian Press
Born in 1912, WJ (Bill) de Burgh spent all his working life on his family's two Moore River properties, Cowalla and Baramba. Since 1976, Bill has dedicated his retirement years to the research and recording of Western Australian history, for which, together with his many years of service to local government, he was awarded a Medal of the Order of Australiain 2007.
From 1873 to 1964, a period of 91 years, the de Burgh family's holdings included a cattle run of several thousand acres between, and including, where the coastal towns of Ledge Point and Lancelin are now situated. This former cattle run, now proposed for a residential development by the present owner, forms the subject of this book.
A Tale of the Meekatharra Track
by Jean Dell & Hal Warwick.
ISBN 978-0-85905-709-7, (R, 2018), A5, $10.00*
A Thousand Miles and More
– a tramp through the Coolgardie Goldfields
by Duke Stewart
ISBN 0 85905 427 6, (2008 Reprint 1896), Soft Cover, 54pp, 95 grams
$15.00*. + POST
In 1896 Duke Stewart set out to report on the conditions of the new Coolgardie goldfields. By walking he absorbed the reality of the bush, meeting the prospectors and sharing their camps.
A Varied and Versatile Life
The Memoirs of Frank Wittenoon
1855 - 1939
Edited and annotated by R.F.B. Lefroy
ISBN 085905 317 2, (2003 upgraded reprint), 110 pp, A4 wire bound, illustrated, 325 grams
$30.00* + POST
Frank Wittenoom was a grandson of the first Colonial Chaplin who arrived off Fremantle with his family on 30th January 1830.
He was born on the family farm near York in December 1855 and died in Perth in September 1939.
Following his mothers death in 1861 the family moved to Perth where he was educated and worked for the West Australian Bank.
A Voyage of No Importance
by Rod Dickson
ISBN 085905 298 2, (2003 new), 125 pages, limp cover, section sewn, illustrated, 180 grams
$22.00 + POST
This is the true story of an epic 350 kilometre voyage along the West Kimberley coast made by two intrepid seafarers in their 3.5 metre wooden dinghy in late 1920.
The pearling lugger, HENRY, on a voyage from Wyndham to Broome was wrecked on a jagged rock off Cape Voltaire in the far northwest. The six crewmen on board made it to the mainland and set up camp. It was then decided that two men should row the dinghy south to get help but nobody expected the voyage to last a month and cover such a vast distance.
This one small lugger, the HENRY became involved in three separate incidents in which five white men lost their lives, four to the natives on the red coast and one to a crocodile.
The dinghy voyage from Cape Voltaire to Cape Leveque was likened to that of Bass and Flinders in a letter describing the voyage, written by Reverend Richardson, of Broome, to the editor of The West Australian. However, the editor wrote back and described the voyage as of no importance.
Aboriginal Australian and Tasmanian Rock Carvings and Paintings & Aboriginal Australian Decorative Art
By Daniel Sutherland Davidson. With a Foreword by Kim Akerman.
Two volumes in one. ISBN 978-0-85905-374-7 and ISBN 978-0-85905-375-4, Case bound with laminated cover, 330pp, plus 6 colour plates, 16.5 x 25cm, 950 grams
$95.00* + POST
First published in 1936 and 1937 these rare books are unknown to most anthropologists, art dealers and collectors.
Davidson was the most important ethnographer of his time and his reputation for the quality and quantity of work produced is unmatched.
Aboriginal Corporations, Communities and Outstations
by Ian Murray
ISBN 085905 333 4, (2006 new), 52pp A4, 320 grams
$22.00* + POST
Lists hundreds of corporations, outstations and communities
Aboriginal Ethnographica
Australian Aboriginal Axes, Spears, Clubs, Canoes, Baskets and Boomerangs.
Petroglyphs, [Rock art] , [Interlocking] Key Designs, Waningas, Churingas, Fire, Footwear & Death.
by Daniel Sutherland Davidson.
With an Appreciation of D.S. Davidson by Kim Akerman.
ISBN 978-0-85905-491-1, (2011R), A4, 489pp, illustrated.
This magnificent volume of 489 x A4 pages contains the majority of Davidson’s Australian ethnographic papers from 1933 to 1953.
The sub-title presents the range of material included, all profusely illustrated.
Aboriginal Perth
Bibbulmun Biographies and Legends
by Daisy Bates - edited by P.J. Bridge
ISBN 0 85905 135 8, (1992 new), Soft Cover, 208pp, illustrated, 260grams
$30.00 + POST
A collection of her writings on the now-extinct Aboriginals of the Perth and South West areas of Western Australia. Customs, beliefs, biographies and more.
Aboriginal Sign Language.
by Walter E. Roth.
ISBN 978-0-85905-862-9, (1897 R 2020), A4, 35 pages, illustrated, 140 grams, $22.00*
Forgotten by most but still used in many areas. Perhaps a useful study for teachers and police.
Aboriginal String Figures
by D.S. Davidson
ISBN 0 85905 369 5, (1941, 2006) Soft Cover, 141 pp, 200grams
$26.00 + POST
Davidson collected these figures, mainly in WA, in the 1930s. Some 112 are illustrated and their creation described. This is a native art form now lost due to the inroads of TV- videos etc. a microcosm of our own cultural losses.
Aboriginals and Criminality
Peter J. Bridge, with a Foreword by the late Kevin Moran
ISBN 978-0-85905-667-0, (New, 2017), A4, 2 parts, 92 pp, 280 grams.
$40.00* + POST
Records of crime that have generally been suppressed by the establishment propagandists. Gives a fresh light on both colonial and modern incidents.