PLEASE NOTE: Any book title starting with "The" - the second word of the title is used to list by.

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Ludovic_de_beauvoirs_cvrLudovic de Beauvoir's visit to Australia

Translated and edited by John Melville Jones with Nicola Cousen, Steve Mullins, Stefan Petrow and Marie & John Ramsland

ISBN 978-0-85905-626-7, (2016, New), Published in a edition of 250 copies. 160 x 240, 351pp, Section sewn with dj on soft cover in French flap style with quality paper, illustrated, 850 grams

$50.00* + POST

This publication presents a revised English translation of the first volume (Australie) of an account of a voyage around the world undertaken in 1866 by two young French aristocrats. In Australia they visited Melbourne, Ballarat and Bendigo, and outside Melbourne experienced the life of a squatter at that time. They also visited Hobart, Sydney, Newcastle and Brisbane before sailing north towards South East Asia.

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lure_of_northLure of the North

by F. W. Gunning

ISBN 0 85905 396 2, (2007, reprint), Hard Cover, dj, 272pp, illustrated, 720grams

$75.00* + POST  Order direct from Hesperian Press

Long out of print and reaching $600 plus as a rare book, it has been reprinted courtesy of the Gunning and Gooch families. This new facsimile, limited edition, is case bound with a dust jacket.

Lure of the North is the story of George Gooch and the opening up of the Gascoyne.

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the_lost_flyersThe Lost Flyers

by WC Charnley

[ISBN 978-0-85905-883-4], (1935, 2021), A4, 20 pages, illustrated, 105 grams. $30.00*

Hans Bertram and Adolf Klauseman were flying from Germany in 1932. They crashed on the northern cost of WA. All was thought lost but when eventually found they had been succoured by the once fierce tribal aboriginals.