police_coverPolice and other People

by Mick Liddelow - with a Foreword by Police Historian, Peter Conole.

ISBN 978-0-85905-157-6, (2011), A4, 146pp, illustrated, 420grams

$30.00* + POST

Vincent Wallace Liddelow, 1903-1982, joined the Police in 1925 as No. 1512. He was first attached to Central Police, then Fremantle and the Water Police. Afterwards he was stationed at Toodyay, Nullagine, Kalgoorlie, Albany, Perth, then back to Fremantle. As a plain clothes policeman he formed a great interest in Alcoholics Anonymous and helped many people although he was not an alcoholic himself. He retired after 38 years of service in the Police Force in 1963.

These memoirs of the people and places he served will interest the many of those areas and those who knew him. Of particular interest is the inclusion of his occurrence book reports for his pre-war years at Nullagine. His photos of that time are also of great interest to all with memories of the North and record many of the identities and characters of the time.