steadfast_endeavourSteadfast Endeavour

by Graham J. Wilson

ISBN 0 85905 208 7, (1995 new), Soft Cover, 140mm x 215mm, 216pp, illustrated, HC 320grams, SC 220grams

HC $25.00, SC $22.00 + POST

In the 1940s pioneer missionaries laid the foundations of religious outreach to Aboriginal people in the Pilbara and Gascoyne regions. Subsequent generations of Church workers have carried on the task hand in hand with Aboriginal evangelists. Widespread acceptance of the Gospel is one consequence. Significant contribution to community development has been another.

The author records for the first time the historic significance of Church co-operation and Christian action in these regions. The myth of ardent fundamentalists proselytising to the detriment of indigenous culture is exposed. Instead the Church is shown to be increasingly sensitive to, and actively supportive of, the current regeneration of Aboriginal tradition.

Long term commitment to mission outreach and its postive contribution to social service in the North West has generally been overlooked in remote area community studies. Steadfast Endeavours places the Christian influence in perspective for those open to acknowledging its value for contemporary society.