
William Campbell Charnley, 1882-1966

A bibliography

Compiled by Peter J Bridge.

[ISBN 978-0-85905-227-6], (2011, New), 20pp, illust, 50grams

$10.00* + POST

Charnley was a prolific writer, from 1915 to 1966, primarily on Western Australian history, publishing “close to a million words” by 1951 in magazines and newspapers. In Australia these were The Bulletin, The Lone Hand, The Australian Journal, The Western Mail, The Countryman, The Western Mail, Famous Detective Stories, and the Australian Life. Overseas were the Wide World, Blackwood’s, History Today, and The Windsor Magazine. He wrote on subjects where he was close to those involved in incidents of bush history and so has a viewpoint that is not accessible to those who are solely working from archives, or are literary creationists.

This bibliography details all his known works but due to the destruction of his correspondence files, his use of multiple pen names, and the iniquitous practice of libraries not indexing articles in magazines and journals, it is not complete. 176 items are listed as well as nearly 90 manuscripts that are extant. Few of his published works are available in any Australian Library, and fewer still will become available due to the de-accessioning policies of “librarians.”