A History of Dressage in Western Australia
by Marion Hercock with Zoe Harrison.
ISBN 978-0-85905-750-9, (New, 2019), 160x240mm, French flap soft cover, 398 pages, well illustrated, indexed, 940 grams, $55.00* + POST
The progress of horse and rider training underlies the story of the development of the specialist sport of dressage in Western Australia. This history covers the years from 1829 to 2000. It includes the mounted police and the first riding schools; the hunt club, the pony clubs and the original Dressage Club of Western Australia. It looks at the horses and the riders, from the hackies and eventers to the FEI masters of dressage. Historical detail is blended with personal memories to create an informative and lively ride into the past; and for some readers, a trip down memory lane.