PLEASE NOTE: Any book title starting with "The" - the second word of the title is used to list by.

All prices quoted are in Australian currency and include GST.
* Short trade discount.

anzac_squadronThe Anzac Squadron

by Norman Ashworth

ISBN 0 85905 198 6, (1994 new), Soft Cover, 140mm x 215mm, 285pp, illustrated, 350grams

$33.00 + POST

The Anzac Squadron is the story of 461 Squadron, Royal Australian Air Force, formed in Britain on Anzac Day 1942. The Sunderland Flying Boat Squadron spent the next three years opposing Admiral Doenitz's U Boats in the battle of the Atlantic.

The young Australian and British air crew flew their boats in search of the ever-elusive U Boats while the Luftwaffe JU88 fighters hunted the hunters.

From this combination came both excitement and tragedy. This is a story not only of the moments of excitement that punctuated the otherwise long monotonous patrols but also back at base where aircrew and ground staff alike had to face the rigours of wartime Britain, far from their homes and loved ones. It is a story told largely by those who took part, in their own way and in their own words.

the_apotheosisThe Apotheosis of the Kero Tin

ISBN 978-0-85905-140-8, (2011), 16pp, illustrated, 40grams

$10.00* + POST

How an outcast of society became the object of admiration and utility, if not a thing of beauty.

An essay on the role of the old kero tin.

the-archimedian-lever-coverThe Archimedean Lever

Alexander Livingstone, a freewheeling journalist on the Westralian Goldfields

Collated and edited by Peter J Bridge with Angela Teague

ISBN 978-0-85905-485-0, (2010 new), A4, 44pp, 150 grams

$22.00 + POST

Alexander Livingstone was one of those characters thrown up in the convulsions of the Australian gold rushes. They burned brightly and quickly, like the volcano that suddenly erupts and then returns to dormancy.

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Around-the-GoldfieldsAround the Goldfields

A study of possibilities and dreams. An overview of the goldfields during the great depression.


ISBN 978-0-85905-450-8, (2019, new), A4, indexed, 48 pages, 150 grams, $22.00* + POST

aus-betrayedAustralia Betrayed.
Graeme Campbell & Mark Uhlmann.
ISBN 978-0-85905-913-8, 145 x 215, 220 pages, indexed, 300+ grams, $36.00*

When first published in 1995 the message cut a swathe through Canberra and other centres of degeneracy. It was a call to arms for real Australians.

Now a generation or so has passed and the situation for Australians has become dire. The media, industry, and politicians; the antipodean witches, have toiled and troubled and the old frogs have become cooked slowly in their own juices.

The political and economic situation is such that Australia as we knew it cannot survive, the limbs are already mortified, and the brain has dementia. And the worst is yet to come.

This new edition is unchanged but has a new Foreword and Index by Dr Marion Hercock.

This small edition is essential reading for those who have forgotten and those who know no better.

Postage Australia wide is $9.70.   Trade details on application.

aus_in_the_1940Australia in the 1940s - Life on the Home Front

by Gary Mentiplay

ISBN 978-0-85905-818-6, (2020 New), Soft Cover, French flaps, 248pp, illustrated, 1kg, $45.00

(Post/Pack within Australia, add $15.00)

Available from the author:   This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  Phone: 0420 448 036

This book is not a military history of Australia's involvement in World War II. The focus of this work is on the "Home-front" with people living day to day with shortages and rationing.

As the war ebbed and flowed, life went on for most people. The joys and hazards of life did not stop, of course, and there were births and weddings, bushfire disasters, floods, droughts, road deaths and injuries, hot summers and cold winters, and for many families, bad news on the fate of loved ones serving in the theatres of war.

A wide range of subjects has been included and cover all states in Australia. There are "War Briefs" and "War News" inserts in the chronological sequence throughout the book – these are included to give a perspective of whatever was occurring on the home-front and in the war at that particular time.

Many of the issues affecting motoring, road and rail transport have not been covered in great detail in the past – issues such as how did the petrol rationing system work, how often did the ration scales change, why didn't petrol rationing cease when the war ended? Why was there an acute rubber shortage from 1942 to 1946 when private motorists could not buy any tyres?

"Australia in the 1940s" will give the post-war generations an insight into what their grand-parents and parents lived through.

australia_twice_traversedAustralia Twice Traversed

by Ernest Giles

ISBN 0 85905 206 0, (1995 reprint of 1889 edition), 382pp, illustrated, 670grams

$50.00 + POST

A classic of Australian exploration in one volume, including maps.

aust_fighting_sonsAustralia's Fighting Sons of the Empire

portraits and biographies of Australians in the Great War.

ISBN 978-0-85905-568-0, (1922, 2014), illustrated, indexed, 240 x 300, (A4 plus) Section sewn with stiffened soft cover and French flaps, glossed paper, 298pp, 1.4 kg.

$95.00* + POST

This difficult to obtain book was first published in 1922 after a troubled gestation. Many of the original copies have disintegrated due to binding problems. It is now available again in an attractive facsimile edition. Contains over 1450 biographies and illustrations of the soldiers. This is a book that will become a family heirloom.

aust_aboriginal_tracking_cvAustralian Aboriginal Tracking, Water Finding and Smoke Signaling

by Alexander Thomas Magarey

ISBN 978-0-85905-616-8, (R 1890s, 2015), A4, 34pp, Illustrated, 130 grams

$22.00* + POST

Magarey was a South Australian explorer with a keen interest in Aboriginal customs. These papers are the result of his investigations among South Australian Aboriginals and are some of the best on the subjects covered, and in the case of smoke signalling, the only detailed description available.

aus_medicine_man_cxvrThe Australian Medicine Man

(Der Australische Medizenmann)

by Helmut Petri

ISBN 978-0-85905-583-3, (2014, New), 206pp, SC – French flap, 160 x 250, 515g.

$55.00* + POST

Available for the first time in English, Petri’s landmark 1952 book on Aboriginal medicine men, shamans, witchdoctors. With a Foreword by Susan Bradley and Introduction by Kim Akerman.

The second volume of a trilogy of translations of Petri’s important work in a culture now destroyed.

australian_mineralogistThe Australian Mineralogist

Vol 1, Nos 1-51, 1975-1986

ISBN 978-0-85905-639-7, (R,2016), A4, sc, 320pp, illustrated, 780 grams

$65.00* + POST

Facsimile of the rare journal for researchers and collectors.

emma_coverAustralia’s Worst Mass Murder – The Wreck of the Emma

by Kevin Moran

ISBN 978-085905-557-4, (New, 2013, A4, 47pp, illustrated, 160grams.

$22.00* + POST

In 1867 the Emma carrying forty two passengers and crew was lost. Her fate was not known until ten years later when an Aboriginal crew member on the Jessie informed Captain W Tuckey the following, which was reported in The Inquirer newspaper on 19 January 1876 : -

“A Long time ago (about 10 years he described) a ship was wrecked near North West Cape; the passengers landed at night, in the boats and as they had no means of defending themselves, the natives had no difficulty in making them prisoners. There were a large number of persons, among them were some females. The natives were not ‘sulky’ with them, but nevertheless they killed and ate all of them, the narrator partaking of some of the flesh.”

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clifton_coverThe Australind Journals of Marshall Waller Clifton 1840-1861

Edited by Phyllis Barnes, JMR Cameron and HA Willis with Ian Berryman and Andrew Gill.

ISBN 978-0-85905-483-6, (2010), Casebound, 869pp, 2.2kg

$95.00* + POST

Marshall Waller Clifton, Fellow of the Royal Society and Royal Geographical Society, and former Secretary of the Royal Navy’s Victualling Board, was Chief Commissioner for the small agricultural colony of Australind. This settlement, on Leschenault Inlet on Australia’s south-western coast, was formed in 1840 by a group of systematic coloniser supporters of Edward Gibbon Wakefield. To keep them informed of his activities, Clifton maintained a detailed daily account that he commenced on 1 December 1840, the day he left England.

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aliensThe Aliens.

By Dryblower E.G. Murphy.

978-0-85905-876-6, (1904 R 2021) $10.00*

A famous warning poem by the great Dryblower. 

The Amphibious Digger, Major George Mitchell.


ISBN 978-0-86905-929-9, (1952 R 2022), A4, 15 pages, 80 grams, $22.00*

Biographical interview With Major Mitchell of the Kimberley Guerilla Warfare Group.

the_archipelago_rechercheThe Archipelago of the Recherche Expedition. The history, geography, biology, and botany of the islands.

John Bechervaise, Vincent Serventy, James H. Willis.

ISBN 978-0-85905-946-6, (1951 R 2022), A4, 49 pages, illustrated, 180 grams, $30.00*

THE_AUSTRALIND_LETTERSThe Australind Letters of Marshall Waller Clifton

Edited by JMR Cameron and PA Barnes