PLEASE NOTE: Any book title starting with "The" - the second word of the title is used to list by.

All prices quoted are in Australian currency and include GST.
* Short trade discount.

born_in_the_desertBorn in the Desert

The land and travels of a last Australian nomad

by Marion Hercock with Georgina (Dadina) Brown

ISBN 978-0-85905-481-2, (2009 New), Soft Cover, 141 pp, illustrated inc 32pp colour, 350grams

$30.00 + POST

This uniquely West Australian story combines the memories of a last aboriginal nomad with a history and geography of the Little Sandy Desert.

Personal stories merge with images of desert landscapes in a colourful, descriptive and candid account of outback life.

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born_to_be_a_droverBorn to be a Drover

The life story of Jim Freeth 1913-1990

by Jim Freeth

ISBN 0 85905 346 6, (2004 reprint from 1991), soft cover, 72pages, A4, illustrated, 210grams

$22.00* + POST

This is probably the best documented biography of a W.A drover. It covers from the Murchison to Kimberley and the people of those districts. A bush classic.

born_to_win_cvrBorn to Command – not to take orders

The Brooks Family of Balbinia station
Pioneers of Israelite Bay, Western Australia

by John Simpson

ISBN 978-0-85905-647-2, (New, 2017), A4, illustrated, indexed, 146 pp, 420grams

$40.00* + POST

The saga of the Brooks family on their isolated station on the edge of the Nullarbor shows the great spirit of settlers in opening hard new land. John Paul Brooks, his sister Sarah, and mother Emily, spent most of their life in physical isolation but kept up international correspondence and cooperation with botanists and geographers.  This is an important biography of a family that shows success is not always the reward for hard work. Only a few of those who ventured created long lasting establishments. Not giving up in the face of great adversity is an achievement which must be honoured, recorded and disseminated as an example for others who may feel overwhelmed by their situations.

borneo_surgeonBorneo Surgeon
A Reluctant Hero

The Story of Dr James P. Taylor

by Peter Firkins

ISBN 0 85905 211 7, (1995 new), Soft Cover and Hard Cover, 141mm x 215mm, 161pp, illustrated, SC 250grams, HC 300grams

SC $22.00 HC $28.00 + POST

In a very moving Foreword to this book Dr Frank Mills writes. "Out of the tragic shambles that was Sandakan, Peter Firkins has produced a heroic figure comparable in courage and selflessness to that of the legendary 'Weary' Dunlop, and whose story should be known by all Australians in the same way.

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Boundary-Rider's-Daughter-150The Boundary Rider’s Daughter

by Evalene Wallbank

ISBN 978-0-85905-687-8, (New, 2017), A4, 100pp, illustrated, 290 grams

$30.00* + POST

Beyondie Station at Kumarina, north of Meekatharra, was taken up in the 1920s by Bob George, a Rabbit Proof Fence boundary rider. He protected a young part-Aboriginal girl, later marrying her. Yibbie had ten children with Bob George and later attachments, and most were sent by Bob to Sister Kate’s home in Perth for their education. Of the children today, two of the girls survive. One is a Perth lawyer, and the other, Evalene, was involved in a pastoral life. This is the interesting story of growing up in the wildest bush and in the equally feral children’s home. The George family were well-known in the upper Murchison/Gascoyne region and this autobiography is an interesting and important reflection of life in that country. It was written by 2003 but ignored by publishers, perhaps because its content was not considered abrasive enough in the ‘culture wars’ of that time.

Published 19 December 2017.

bowyangs_and_boomerangsBowyangs and Boomerangs

by M.J. O'Reilly 'Mulga Mick'

ISBN 0 85905 063 7, (1984 reprint of 1944 edition with new material), Soft Cover, 114mm x 179mm, 167pp, 200grams

$22.00 + POST

Mulga Mick’s account of life in Western Australia, Northern Territory, South Australia and Tasmania and his mining of gold, wolfram, opals and osmiridium. Swagging, Afghans, camels, mica mines and life from the 1890s in the Australian bush.


The Brand on his Coat

by Rica Erickson

ISBN 978-0-85905-249-8, (1983, 2009), Soft Cover, 367pp, illustrated, 460 grams

$35.00 + POST

The Brand on his Coat relates the histories of a few of the nine and a half thousand convicts who were transported to Western Australia during 1850 to 1868. Some remained incorrigible, others achieved respect as worthy citizens, but the stigma of the convict brand was to remain with them for the rest of their lives. Their descendants were naturally reticent on the subject of their origins. However, in recent years with changes in social attitudes the topic has ceased to be a source of embarrassment, and the way is open to study this important period in Western Australian history.

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bride_shipsThe Bride Ships

by Rica Erickson

ISBN 0 85905 162 5, (1992 new), Soft Cover, 270pp, illustrated, 470grams

$40.00 + POST

United Kingdom immigrants in the 1800s who became settlers in Western Australia. An important social history and of great genealogical interest.


Brief chronicle of the principal events…Colony of WA … 1826-1842.

By George Fletcher Moore.

ISBN 978-0-85905-831-5, (R2020), A4, 45 pages, 160 grams, $25.00*

A very useful record of events for historians of the early colony. This detail is rarely found in other texts.

broomeBroome and its Tragic Yesterday

by Henrietta Drake Brockman

ISBN 978-0-85905-800-1, (1946 R 2020), A4, 28 pages, illustrated, 110 grams, $22.00*

Broome just after the war and the new Kimberley with the Flying Doctor services. Also a biographical outline of the author.

bruisers_coverBruisers of the Bush

by Peter Bridge, Moya Sharp, Susan Bennett

ISBN 978-0-85905-029-6, (2010 new), A4, 19pp, 110g

$12.00* + POST

In 1894 at Coolgardie the interest in the rancour and fight between ‘Bull” Bennit and Jimmy Reid was greater than that in prospecting. What was the cause of such bitterness? Bessie Stewart, the Belle of Coolgardie! What was the background to this grudge match that held the interest of spectators for decades and figures in so many goldfields reminiscences? The story has a surprising outcome.

brumby_leake_cvr‘Brumby’ Leake

by Peter J Bridge

ISBN 978-0-85905-591-8, (2015, New), A4, 86pp, illustrated, 255grms.

$25.00* + POST

Brumby Leake was one of the great characters of the early Murchison-Gascoyne. His dalliances with the spinifex fairies and concern for the orphaned calves of other people cattle, together with an appreciation of the qualities of a stray horse, led to a certain mystique. This was heightened by the power of his enemies who almost invariably lost in the court cases which followed some of his exploits. The dreaded A.O. Neville led a campaign to incarcerate him. But he was much loved by the aboriginals that worked for him. This biography is mainly from the DIA and police files that have survived against all odds, together with old newspaper accounts and reminiscences of old timers. Part of Brumby’s reputation derives from the iniquitous K.S. Prichard who cast him as the lead character in Coonardoo and Brumby Innes. In both these agitprop outbursts attacking Brumby she carefully avoided her powerful family friends who were infamous for their predatory and abusive behaviour towards the local aboriginals. Guaranteed to raise a cackle and a gasp.

brumby_leakeBrumby Leake and John Connaughton Revisited.

by Peter J. Bridge

ISBN 978-0-85905-965-7, (New, 2022) A5, 8 pages, 30 grams, $10.00*

Further interesting information on Brumby Leake and John Connaughton from the old files.

Connaughton was with Rudall on the Calvert relief expedition, but little was known of his life.

A few scattered references when brought together give a fresh and vivid view of the hard lives of the men who built the nation. 

building_the_lineBuilding the Line. The construction of the Overland Telegraph Line.

by Andrew Crouch.

ISBN 978-0-85905-856-8, (New, 2020), A4, well illustrated, indexed, 48 pages, 180 grams, $26.00*

From the diaries of the men involved in the construction, this book gives a detailed look at the men and the line itself.

bullcatchers_cvrBull Catchers & Wild Riding Ringers

Geoff Allen

ISBN 978-0-85905-737-0, (New, 2018), A4, illustrated, 147pp, 420grams

$40.00* + POST

The last of the old time ringers of the Kimberley.


and the Yilgarn Goldfield

by Gilbert Ralph

ISBN 0 85905 395 4, (2007 New), Soft cover, 288 pages, illustrated, under 500 gram packed

$35.00* + POST

Please order direct from Hesperian Press

Bullfinch and the Yilgarn Goldfield had its beginnings with a suggestion from Sir Laurence Brodie-Hall that the unique nature of the community at Bullfinch during the Great Western Consolidated era from 1950 to 1963 deserved recording. Sir Arvi Parbo, who began his mining career at Bullfinch, supported the concept and they encouraged Gilbert Ralph, a retired Executive from Western Mining Corporation, to write a history of Great Western and Bullfinch. Gilbert has taken five years to research and write this history.

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bulloo_downs_droverBulloo Downs Drover

by Peter Hall

ISBN 0 85905 293 1, (2002 new), Soft Cover, 135grams

$22.00 + POST

Droving and station life on Ilgararie and Bulloo Downs Stations in the upper Ashburton north of Meekatharra in Western Australia.

This collection of stories on old time cattlemen gives an insight into their lives, their country and their droving exploits. Peter Hall writes of a way of life now changed forever by modern transport and communications.

The author has spent his life among the people and places he writes of in these plain tales from the bush.



by Norman G. Manners

ISBN 085905 265, (2000 new), Soft Cover, 248 pages, illustrated, 530grams, $35.00 + POST

The Vivian Bullwinkel story takes the reader through her early years in Broken Hill and her struggle to become a certified nurse. She joined the A.A.N.S. at the outbreak of war in Europe and enjoyed the balmy days of pre-war Malacca and Singapore until the surprise attack by the Japanese in December 1941.

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bush_chloroformBush Chloroform, and other salutary tales from the Tropical Frog.
Ed by Peter J. Bridge

ISBN 978-1-875778-31-7, New, (2024), A4, 12 pages, 70 grams, $22.00*

Biographical details and stories of The Tropical Frog by Crosscut Wilson and Jean Dell.

The Frog was a well-known itinerant of the early Pilbara.

bush_justiceBush Justice

by Ron Brown & Pat Studdy-Clift

ISBN 0 85905 146 3, (1990 new), Soft Cover, 256pp, illustrated

$30.00 + POST

Ron Brown tells of his experiences in the Red Heart of Australia, where he was known and loved as "Brownie of the Finke".

His stories cover the transition period from 1945 to 1952 when he was the last of the Central Australian Police Camel Patrolmen emerging into a new age.  As a lone representative of the white man's law and mediator in many a tribal feud, he patrolled a police district larger than the state of Victoria.

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bush_kids_bartooBush Kids and Bartoo

by Mildred Gordon

ISBN 0 85905 338 5, (2004 New), 54pp, A4, softcover, 175 grams

$22.00* + POST

Mildred Gordon describes life on a remote Centralian Station in the 1920s and 30s and includes her mother's writings of the local Aboriginal legends, published for the first time.

Aboriginal Studies series No. 22.

bushman_coverThe Bushman's Directory

by Mary Taylor

ISBN 0 85905 417 9, (2007 New), A4, Soft Cover, 136pp, 375 grams

$30.00* + POST

A biographical index to WA drovers, stockmen, mailmen, doggers, teamsters, shepherds, boundary riders, fencers, etc, from the 1800s to the 1970s.

butchery_in_bushButchery in the Bush: The savage murder of a settler's wife at Boyanup in June 1871.

Edited by Peter J. Bridge 

Edited by Peter J. Bridge. ISBN 978-0-85905-842-1, (1871 R 2020), A4, 8 pages, 70 grams, $15.00*

An example of the tenuous relationships which existed between settlers and natives. The killer was hung in the old Perth Gaol. Margaret McGowan is buried at Picton. Includes a note on Corporal Edward Peirl.

the_battle_of_harveyThe Battle of Harvey.

Pat Trembath.

ISBN 978-1-875778-05-8, A5, 5 pages, $10.00.

A battle in a good war (ie no white men were killed). An otherwise unrecorded native fight with the usual slaughter, sometime in the mid? 1800s.