PLEASE NOTE: Any book title starting with "The" - the second word of the title is used to list by.

All prices quoted are in Australian currency and include GST.
* Short trade discount.

nicholas_coverThe Coolgardie Goldfields

by William Nicholas

ISBN 0 85905 402 0, (2007 Reprint 1895), A4, Soft Cover, 28pp, illustrated, 125 gram

$.22.00* + POST

Prof W Nicholas was manager of the Burbanks goldmine. Originally published in 1895, this idiosyncratic pamphlet was written to advise prospectors as to the geology and conditions of the new fields.

coolgardieCoolgardie in 1892

by William Ford

ISBN 0 85905 401 2, (1932 reprint 2007), Soft Cover, A5, 10pp, saddle stitched, 35 grams

$10.00* + POST

A rare pamphlet published by Ford in 1932 to record the discovery of Coolgardie.

corea_in_1894Corea in 1894.

C.T. Gardner.

ISBN 978-0-85905-983-1, (New, 2023), 160 x 240, 88 pages, french flaps, illustrated with many colour plates, 190 grams, $40.00*

A thorough overview of Korea before the Japanese invasion, and when only a few westerners had visited.  With many coloured illustrations.

cossack_goldCossack Gold

by W. Lamden Owen

ISBN 978-0-85905-440-9, 2008 new format of 1933 edition with new material, soft cover, 140mm x 215mm, 130pp, illustrated, 190 grams

$22.00 + POST

Vivid reminiscences of the life in the North West of Australia from the 1880s to the 1930s.  Gold, pearling, aboriginals, diamonds, murder and madness in the great but empty North.


Creating Australia’s Electronic Gold Rush 

by Peter J. Bridge

ISBN 978-0-85905-833-9, (198*, 2020), A4, heavily illustrated in colour, 32 pages, 150 grams, $30.00*

The author created the metal detector gold rush in the mid-1970s. It has changed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in Australia and elsewhere. Details the story of some of the first prospectors and their finds, with photos.

crocsCrocodiles and Cocktails

by Simon King

ISBN 978-0-85905-660-1, (2017, New), A4, 157 pages, illustrated, 450 grams

$40.00* + POST

Simon King is a geosciences career professional who was raised in the 1950s and 1960s in the semi-rural community of Langwarrin almost 45 kilometres south-east of Melbourne, Australia, where his family was one of the first to settle in the district. He subsequently undertook his tertiary education at the Ballarat School of Mines and Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology in Victoria to pursue a career in exploration and mining, perhaps to follow in his father's footsteps who was once a mineral prospector in the early 20th century.

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crooks_coverCrooks, con men and spielers, magsmen, and other dysfunctionals from the bottom of the duck pond

by Peter J. Bridge

ISBN 0 85905 415 2, (1930s, reprint 2007,e-published 2006, in the Dollypot, Greenhide and Spindrift column Vol. 2 No.1.), 16 pp, saddle, Soft Cover, A4, 90 grams

$11.00* + POST

The police published the methods of con men and swindlers in their efforts to educate the public. However the old tricks still reel them in and new applications catch a sucker every minute.

crosscuts_war_cvrCrosscut's War - The life and times of a Gallipoli soldier

Thomas Henry "Crosscut" Wilson

by Chris Holyday

ISBN 978-0-85905-652-6, (New, 2016), A4, 79 pages, illustrated, indexed, 240 grams

$30.00* + POST

Thomas Henry (Crosscut) Wilson was a mate of Henry Lawson. He came West in the 1890s in quest of gold but instead struck a very rich vein of literary success along the inky way.

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cue_to__the_klondykeCue to the Klondyke

Herbert Annesley Ainsworth

ISBN 978-0-85905-724-0, (New, 2018), A4, 28pp, 100 grams

$15.00* + POST

A great story of adventure and perseverance in two great gold rushes.

withnell2dcoverThe Customs and Traditions of the Aboriginal Natives of North Western Australia

by John G Withnell

ISBN 0 85905 423 3,(2007 Reprint 1901), Soft Cover, 35pp, 50 grams

$12.00* + POST

Pastoral pioneer John Withnell studied the natives of the NW for many years. His booklet was first published in 1901 at Roebourne.